
Those who seek
the wildest of lives
lead the most untamed
series of events that
compose a page-turner

You, my beautiful human
are a soul
that should roam the nights
conquer days and their sun
devour innovations
feed on poetry
thrive on art and beauty

You should fall and fall hard
Love like no tomorrow
Let its chemicals ignite sparks in your soul
and project it through your eyes
you glow
Let your heart go insane,
let it enjoy the uncontrollable beats, let it
dance to them
Fear should not be a detriment
for no-one has died of a broken heart!

Dance naked, love that temple of yours
be selfish about it
Mold it, design it, decorate it
into your liking
you are a masterpiece
your viewers are plenty
your lovers are selective
with refined taste and appreciation

People have great stories
with an untamed knack to share
Listen to beauty of difference
to the variations in events
to their “personal”
listen to the human interpretation of
moments, to experience
never judge, just listen
and sometimes advise
other times, silence poses as the
band aid mending those slight injuries

Now this is beautiful in every aspect
for once you taste, feel, listen, hear
the bits and pieces that life has thrown at you
you slowly create the missing beauty that is you
you slowly shed the dead skin, revealing the
wealth that is you
you slowly become that art piece
that stands out in the middle of a museum
highlighted, beautiful, and oh so precious

the exotic flavors of life
taste the spicy and the sweet
taste the unknown, awaken your buds
taste the souls of those whose are beautiful
embrace the colorful, abundant, and secretive
Savor the delicacies of life,

Come taste my soul
Let me share my beauty with yours
Experience the richness
Listen to the cutting silence, dancing to the
artistic beats of your body

Come let



your soul
taste my soul


Can your heart
shield itself
when it comes to feeling?

Can you become immune to the
butterflies? Have they fled your body
seeking brighter spaces?

What is this feeling
engulfing you, thickening your skin
generating gyrations of power in your
being, this feeling of “not feeling”
this inhaled breath that fills your lungs
with apathy
Yes, that’s it!

Your lack of concern with the usual
has stitched itself to your personality
to a point where your ego gulped it
like the last drop in your drink
during “Last call”

You are falling for it
You are oblivious to it
You have never felt it,
Time… time looked upon you
and said
“You have had enough, you’ve had it coming”
“You’ve been there and now here, have this
take one pill … its effects are lifelong”

You take it, curious and afraid
of this irreversible trip
You look at the pill and squint to read
the stamped name
“Self realization”
it hits your brain, awakens your neurons
Self realization is the the drug of choice
its effects range from highs of self confidence
lucid mind flashes over clean judgement
feelings of power, outspoken at times
since it’s irreversible, the low of that drug is
none existent

You stand there,
You feel the drug, you feel your weight
on the ground, your presence
You feel that illuminating halo
around you
Your view has changed
it’s one of the effects
Self realization has happened
you’re on a one route path
You’re feeling…
and for some sick twisted reason
you are loving it
Loving the power seeded
in the veins of apathy

but wait..

are you



feeling less


She walks with such grace
that’s only as beautiful
as the soul that
blossoms in her fiery core

Her perfume slithers
its way from her neck
all the way to your neurons
they burst with electricity
they establish an associative memory
“that’s her scent” – you say silently
Without a glimpse of her face ..
Well not yet!

Her scent has hypnotized you
to abruptly follow its invisible trail
You want to feast your eyes
on that beautiful woman
who’s scent speaks volumes
in pulchritude and seduction

Like a mad man,
logic has been suppressed
and your instincts kicked in
and you want to satiate your curiosity
You follow her down the street
You fixate your eyes on those golden locks
You try to piece up a face
to fit that gorgeous silhouette

As you pass the shadowy vague
passer by’s, you got closer
your heart pumping, your veins popped out
adrenaline has become your cocaine
every breath you take, gets shorter
as your hand extends to reach out
to touch her, a gentle tap on
her shoulder, a queue for her to turn around

Time froze, as she slowly turned
You were astonished at her appearance
Her face was as fresh as the first day of spring
innocence, yet those eyes
cut from stars, magnetically
attracted your attention
They harbored lively demons

You couldn’t fathom the mystery
that surrounded her
She was a mix of innocence
a dash of demon and whole
lot of secrets

Your hesitation at lacking the ability of verbalize
resulted in you blurting out
“Sorry thought you were someone else”

As she forced a smile
she said “It’s ok” and kept on walking
not giving you any ounce of attention
..and that my dear sir stirred something in you

As you walked back regaining your sense of logic
“wtf was that” moments started seeping in

You bought a beer from a crummy local place
leaned on a car by the sidewalk, took out a cigarette
You wondered
What secrets does such a human possess?
How many hearts has she broken? How many times has her been?
What kind of lovers have had her in their lives?
Does she like men or women?
What’s her addiction? What’s her weakness?

As your thoughts dance with your imagination
You reached mental illusions where you shared a cigarette with her
looked at her face, studied the wrinkles she has when she smiles
that one dimple
How can such a being, have lingering demons
playing within?
How can she plaster a smile to beautifully
cover her inner self?
You go on marveling

Yet you still cannot pin down the mystery…
that key
to open the door
and let the little devils come
out and play


The pieces of your life
always impact you personally
You tend to forget the major
pillars that pose
as your sturdy base

You evolve your problems
your happiness
your chaos
your heartbreaks
your love highs, your mood
around the person that you are

I suggest, you take a step back
ponder at what you are
You are a compilation of identities
that surface depending on
the mood and the situation you are in
it is a cycle that goes infinite
rounds, over and over

The “you” with friends
differs greatly from the “you” at work
from the the “you” with family
and of course the “you” in solitary state

Let your thoughts wander
You realize that you have been there
and done that
but reflect on your within

Go home, from time to time
and be surrounded by the 2 crucial
patient souls that accept you
with your fuck-ups and
endure your tantrums with a smile

You host a smile that belonged to her first
and patience that he possessed
a combination of their wit
and a last name that will forever
accompany you, worldwide!
You sound like her, and you reason like him
You walk with her grace and have a strong
presence like him

You carry his music taste and articulate eloquence
You share her love and pleasant care

You pride at the rewarding feeling
of the struggle you passed through
to accomplish the “self” you always
strived for

You pat yourself on the back

One thought to marinate
when you’re in bed
being the “you” that you chose to be
at the moment
in time

Reflect on those times
that you went back home
regardless of the shadowy past
the rambling mess you left behind
On those times, that you never bothered
to call and ask about them..

You walk in,
it’s home, you sense it
that power that they created
in those walls,
is all for you

love them, tame the inner you
that tends to find comfort
in unleashing that wrath
towards them
and respect
the fact
that they still and will
always call you

It’s a power that
the Gods possess
and have passed it
on to them

Sit and Think


Messy hair, messy sheets
The smell of yester-night nestles
in your curls

The sun rays tease your eyes
as they slyly creep through the thin
curtains that hover with your sleepy breaths

Eye lids fighting the urge of separating
Exhaustion is seducing them
But that sun light, it’s getting brighter

Body feeble, tattooed with random bruises
“What the hell?”
The taste of cigarettes still linger
in your mouth, mixed with the after taste
of that vodka

You gather what’s left of your strength
..that damn Vodka stole half of it
As you struggle to from those magnetic
bed sheets, you slowly feel your leg muscles
aching, cramping, trying to carry your
upper body

Still struggling to move from that magnetically
powered bed, holding on to your weak body
You hear something
“What’s that annoying sound, raping my brain?”

You subconsciously know where to seek it
Yet you just voice your annoyance
You reach out to shut it down
it’s coming from the ground
attached to a charging chord
connected to a plug infested multi-power outlet
That stupid alarm!

You’re already awake,
Should you actually wake up?
You enjoy this lethargic state
You bask under the result of
being chewed up and spat out by last night
You surrendered your inhibitions to it

Still in bed, stretching
You maneuver your body
in a way to overcome those bed sheets
You want to expose your body to the
empty walls of your room
You want to enjoy the chills they emit
the goosebumps they result in
With no thought in mind.

Facing the ceiling, brain regaining
consciousnesses of what a morning feels like
You reach back into the crumpled purse
that can narrate yester-night way more than you do
Still facing the ceiling, no energy to turn over
You trust your hand can slither it’s way around
that pouch

You feel the pack and it’s full of death sticks
You smile at the mini rewarding feeling
that the pack also has a lighter

As you lie there, facing the wall
enjoying the chills, you light that cigarette
you inhale, unmerciful of those lungs
a puff that reaches your toes,
You wanted that

As you exhale, you feel the smoke
oscillating its way out

You smile as it exits your mouth
feeling dragon-like
enjoying the


Journey W1F

We’re the clay matter
of the earth
Descending from the simple
sinful fact of the beginning

Our trait is that of
a malleable state
Changeable upon the infliction
of certain situations

We exist, we love and we hate
We get angry, we get happy
We get stronger and we get weary
We fall and then we rise up again
It’s a surreal magical power that
we harness within
in that rib-cage of ours
that power house, always pumping
life through our veins
regardless of the “near death” thoughts
that roam around in our minds
like Nazgûls 

Yet, we still breathe
we still argue, we still meet
we still write, drink, smoke
eat, fornicate, as our conditioned
state of mind always pushes us forward

Have you ever re-winded and marveled
at those moments, that didn’t matter
back then?

In our daily lives, love lives, work lives
we have bumped into someone of no significance
at that point in time
we were in love with someone else
our hearts were blinded by the shielded
true layers of the latter

Did you ever think of the “what if”
Those 2 words that ignite a universe of thinking
a plethora of burning energy
and a lifetime of .. time?

Your “what if” is somehow dubious
Yet don’t tell me that you never
fall into that deep dark hole
of digging it up from time to time
and creating your own world with
a true “what if”
Generating and day dreaming of
the “what could’s” and “maybe’s”

As you delve into your trip
You dance among the mental highs of its goodness
You smile at the euphoric state that you’re experiencing
You are enjoying a perfect trip
of colorful illusions
sprinkled in your “WHAT IF” daydream

Then the phone rings
You awake, saddened at the exit
that you have abruptly taken from your
let’s call it “Journey W1F”
Where for a minute or two
You lost yourselves
Realizing that you’re here
and you’re W1F isn’t, gladly for some contradicting reason

You smile,
for your expectations of this
will always be enhanced
never tarnished

Since your W1F my dears
will always be



We are humans
always in need
always lacking something
never complete

Our bodies yearn
for a touch, not any sensation
but that which poisons your skin
with tingles of feelings

That warm tracing sense
barely touching your dermis
skin on skin, yet so full
of emotion

Our minds, always soaking
the knowledge around us
always gawking at any new
opportunity to learn, to research
to dissect, to inspect, to
satiate your ever lasting curiosity

Here comes the one
whose power is so strong
it voodoo’s you into insanity
…the heart
whose mind is one of its own
The heart has the power to hypnotize
the mind, paralyze logic and overcome

The heart yearns for love
love of any and love for any

It tricks the body
by injecting it with butterflies
caged in the stomach
A pasted smile, giggles
a natural high, lack of appetite
ease and a sense of selflessness
a feeling of warmth and a perception
of world domination
Symptoms of which any drug can induce
in gleeful circumstances

Why is the heart so easily
seduced by only drug that quenches
its thirst for life, or is it?

Silly heart of ours, why so weak
in the face of this amorous potion?
Does it seduce you with its nakedness
and transparency?
Do you send messages to the body tricking it,
igniting its craving for sensual touches?
Do you send electric shocks to the brain
demanding it to shut down, all its sense
of purpose?

Oh dear heart of ours
Are you a junkie dependent
on the love drug, the love bug?
Do you seek its high purposefully
physically and mentally?
Do you enjoy finding yourself
between the sweaty shuffled sheets?

We have analyzed you and studied your steps
You are spontaneous, like any addict
you enjoy the here and now,
You want to be naked, you enjoy it
Yet, when you come crashing from that
love drug
it is the body that suffers
and the mind that wakes up
leaving us unprepared
for the unpremeditated
love – hate

Oh silly heart of ours
Do you enjoy every skipped beat?
We are aware that your addiction
is what keeps us
humans yearning, longing
for a taste of
that insatiable
love drug

The anatomy of a love junkie

The anatomy of a love junkie


It’s a feeling
I can tell you that
but to pin it down
that’s the real puzzlement
it’s a fact

I am happy
when I am present
but I am not
It is a paradox of feelings…
that relieved sensation after vomiting

It hurts, not really
I married apathy, yet
to each feeling, a trigger
I married apathy who had an affair with envy
But I am not envious,
it is just this feeling, that is inexplicable

I paste a smile on my face
I am genuine, or at least trying to be
But no one gets fooled,
The fake-ness of it all
Escapes through my eyes

I am not jealous, for
there is nothing to be jealous of
I love it, I love that it’s happening
but I detest its existence now
I abhor the happiness that’s surrounding me
But I am in love with the joy that its amplifying

I am helpful, I am swallowing this lump
in my throat, that harnesses that rage
wait, it’s not rage, it’s not that at all
nor is it bitterness,
nor is it discontent
I am just an outsider of this situation
the war going on inside of me
is about me, for me and by me

I am grasping for breath
I am counting, before speaking
to ease the screams inside
the ones that pierce your ears
the ones that haunt you at night

I am grasping for air
I am hyperventilating,
What is this feeling?
I cannot coin the term
It is not feeling apathetic,
for I do feel something,
but not towards anyone, or anything
What I am feeling is introverted
Understood by me
and for me

I am drowning
in my own raging sea of emotions
Ones so wild, that harnessing them
in a straight jacket and throwing
them in the sea,
will actually calm
the internal



(While you read, play this)

It echoed in my ears
that tune, that lovable marriage
between instruments
It slowly took a hold of my thoughts

That tune approached my naive
ideas, with confidence
not giving any chances of rejection
my ideas, love-struck
weightlessly, fell into its arms

The music, so magical
carried them, with passion
it swayed them, it twirled them
yet with fixated eyes
it kept the contact, it kept
the instant love, flaming

With every drum beat
that strong tune, would stomp
and my ideas skip a beat
Yes, they were in love with
that music, that strong powerful
accumulation of sound

Suddenly, an abrupt halt  (1:04)
caused my ideas to wonder
where has that music gone,
those who would carry them
to a surreal place, of fantasy
that music that would
guide their every step

Then it resumed, that beautiful figure (1:04)
haloed by those vibrating sounds
That music, with every climaxed beat
got closer, my neurons were firing
at the mere sight of it.

Full embrace, music again took the lead
my thoughts willingly submissive
shadowed every move,
They swayed through all corners of my mind
saluting dormant ideas, kissing nostalgic thoughts
and awakening new born ones

They, entwined,
My thoughts had a heart
My thoughts dove deeply
in love with the dance
that this music
